Great addition to my current therapy

“I was referred to this podcast by a family member and it’s been such a gift. I loved the podcast with TinTin and how wonderful his story was with his father. I never found acceptance from our community and had a constant struggle of trying to prove my Lao-ness. The struggle is even more prominent now as I’m raising my own children and how to raise them as Lao Americans. I’m also in my 2nd year of grieving for my father’s death. He was the glue that held our family together and the source of our Lao-ness. So, I am lost. I struggle with my relationship with my parents because of our male centered/preference and it’s carried onto my daughter. Thus the trauma I’ve experienced and being transferred to my daughter and I struggle to find a way to love her the way she needs despite my scars from my childhood. This podcast has really helped me by realizing I’m not alone. Plus it’s a great opportunity to discover how vast our diaspora is, even without the US! I’m representing small town Midwest America here!”