Want to host a HOL Listening Party?!


HOL encourages you to cultivate your own community practice spaces by inviting friends, families, coworkers, and any other social circles to get together + chat + process stories from the podcast! You can have as little as two people over for a potluck or even conduct a virtual hangout with folx via google hangout, Skype, Facetime, etc.!

If you have access to a more public venue and want to organize a classroom or podcast listening club (similar concept to a book club)--that is also highly encouraged! 

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Whatever it is, we want you to make it as pleasurable and insightful as possible while enjoying each other’s company!

Please fill out the listener party questionnaire in order to help us understand which questions are most appropriate to send to you to best guide your practice space. You may reach out to healingoutlaod@gmail.com should you have any further questions or just need help troubleshooting to best prepare for your listener party!